Looking for an apprenticeship?

Do you want to deve­lop yours­elf fur­ther and learn new things?

Do you want to deve­lop yours­elf fur­ther and learn new things?

Then you’ve come to the right place. With us, you can take on respon­si­bi­lity and lend a hand from day one. You can quickly con­tri­bute to our small teams in a family atmo­sphere and expand your skills.

At which locations you can apply.

What is important to us?

Which training courses we offer.

Warehouse logistics specialist

Your spring­board into the world of logi­stics!

Ready to kick­start your career in the logi­stics sec­tor? Immerse yours­elf in camp life with us! Prac­tice ins­tead of theory – with us you will expe­ri­ence ever­y­day life up close.

Why train as a warehouse pro­fes­sio­nal with us?

  1. Ver­sa­tile know-how: From inco­ming goods to out­go­ing goods, you will learn ever­y­thing about warehouse manage­ment.
  2. Hands-on expe­ri­ence: lear­ning by doing is our motto. You lend a hand and mas­ter real chal­lenges.
  3. Future-proof: logi­stics is boo­ming – and you’re right in the middle of it!
  4. Sus­taina­bi­lity: We focus on pro­ducts that save energy and reduce CO².

What can you expect?

  • Expe­ri­en­ced men­tors who sup­port you
  • Varied tasks
  • A strong team that works with you

If you’re loo­king for an exci­ting app­ren­ti­ce­ship where no two days are the same and you can make full use of your orga­niza­tio­nal and tech­ni­cal skills, then you’ve come to the right place! Apply now and start your career in the world of warehouse logi­stics.

Specialist in wholesale and foreign trade management

Your entry into the B2B world of insu­la­tion mate­ri­als and tech­ni­cal insu­la­tion!

Ready for a look behind the sce­nes? With our app­ren­ti­ce­ship in who­le­sale and for­eign trade manage­ment, you will immerse yours­elf in the mar­ket.

Why with us?

  1. Spe­cia­li­zed exper­tise: Learn the B2B trade of insu­la­tion mate­ri­als and tech­ni­cal insu­la­tion from the ground up.
  2. Direct prac­ti­cal entry: Work with expe­ri­en­ced col­le­agues from the out­set and expe­ri­ence real busi­ness pro­ces­ses.
  3. Future-proof indus­try: the con­s­truc­tion sec­tor and indus­try rely on our pro­ducts for energy effi­ci­ency and CO² reduc­tion.
  4. Sus­taina­bi­lity: Our pro­ducts save energy and reduce CO² emis­si­ons every day.

What can you expect?

  • Dedi­ca­ted col­le­agues who explain ever­y­thing to you.
  • A varied range of tasks: from accoun­ting to purcha­sing to sales.

If this appeals to you, you’re the right per­son!

What our former trainees say about their training.

Kevin Krüger

Branch mana­ger Reut­lin­gen loca­tion

“Prac­ti­cal trai­ning was important to me. I found this at Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser. I was invol­ved in the day-to-day busi­ness from day one and the lear­ning curve was steep. After just a short time, I was able to get a taste of all areas of trai­ning as a who­le­sale and for­eign trade clerk. Once I had found the area in which I felt com­for­ta­ble, I was given spe­cial sup­port in this area.”

Marian Obermayer

Finan­cial Accoun­ting Clerk

Loo­king back, I have a lot of posi­tive things to say about my trai­ning. We had a great time tog­e­ther the whole time! My col­le­agues were always incre­di­bly hel­pful and were always on hand to ans­wer my ques­ti­ons.

From purcha­sing to accoun­ting to sales, all depart­ments were on my trai­ning sche­dule and I had the oppor­tu­nity to actively par­ti­ci­pate in the work pro­cess. I became an important part of the team even as an app­ren­tice. I was able to main­tain cont­act with cus­to­mers and sup­pli­ers and inter­act with our exter­nal loca­ti­ons.

Yes, there were chal­lenges, but that only moti­va­ted me even more and we always over­came them tog­e­ther as a team. This not only gave me con­fi­dence, but also hel­ped me to con­ti­nuously improve.

I am happy to have had this expe­ri­ence, because it is the foun­da­tion stone for my future!