
Whistleblower system according to HinSchG

Information on data processing in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 GDPR

The respon­si­ble body is:

Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser Hol­ding GmbH

Olgastr. 14 – 26
72770 Reut­lin­gen
Phone: +49 7121 9596 11
Fax: +49 7121 9596 18

E‑mail: info@muenzinger.de
Web: www.muenzinger.de

Mana­ging Direc­tor: Uwe Münz­in­ger

Our com­pany data pro­tec­tion offi­cer is

Tabea Knabe

MACU Daten­schutz UG (limi­ted lia­bi­lity)
Phone: 07381 9374101
E‑mail: kontakt@macu-datenschutz.de


We, i.e. Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser Hol­ding GmbH, pro­vide a whist­le­b­lower sys­tem for report­ing vio­la­ti­ons . In doing so, we are imple­men­ting the legal requi­re­ments of the HinSchG. We are also obli­ged to ful­fill our com­pli­ance requi­re­ments, to avoid vio­la­ti­ons and to resolve them quickly. Con­fi­den­tial hand­ling of infor­ma­tion is assu­red.

We have set up a por­tal for report­ing, which is available at
can be rea­ched. Howe­ver, a report can also be made by tele­phone or e‑mail to our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer. Our whist­le­b­lower sys­tem can be used not only by employees of Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser Hol­ding GmbH, but also by exter­nal par­ties, to inform us of pos­si­ble vio­la­ti­ons.

When using our whist­le­b­lo­wing sys­tem, per­so­nal data may be pro­ces­sed if the report is not anony­mi­zed. This is gover­ned by the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion (GDPR) and the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG).

We pro­cess the vol­un­t­ary infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by whist­le­b­lo­wers – employees or exter­nal par­ties – when making a report. This includes the fol­lo­wing data:

  • First name and sur­name (if iden­tity is dis­c­lo­sed)
  • Cont­act details (if these are pro­vi­ded)
  • Report­ing a pos­si­ble breach of the rules
  • Indi­ca­tion of the rela­ti­onship with Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser Hol­ding GmbH (inter­nal or exter­nal)
  • Descrip­tion of the facts
  • Names and other per­so­nal data of per­sons invol­ved

The data coll­ec­tion and data pro­ces­sing, if pro­vi­ded, are neces­sary for the cla­ri­fi­ca­tion of any vio­la­ti­ons of the law or regu­la­ti­ons. The legal basis for this is our legi­ti­mate eco­no­mic inte­rest in cla­ri­fy­ing vio­la­ti­ons and thus aver­ting damage or lia­bi­lity risks for Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser Hol­ding GmbH. The cor­re­spon­ding legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR. In con­nec­tion with an employ­ment rela­ti­onship, data pro­ces­sing may also be based on Sec­tion 26 para. 1 BDSG, inso­far as it ser­ves the inves­ti­ga­tion of cri­mi­nal offen­ses.

The (vol­un­t­ary) infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded will be used in par­ti­cu­lar to verify and docu­ment the report and for fur­ther inves­ti­ga­ti­ons. We ensure that only those per­sons receive your data who need it to pro­cess the infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted. Our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer will carry out a preli­mi­nary check. The data may be pas­sed on to state aut­ho­ri­ties, e.g. the police, public pro­se­cu­tor’s office or courts. (IT) ser­vice pro­vi­ders sup­port us in the ful­fill­ment of our tasks. We have sel­ec­ted these carefully. Data pro­ces­sing agree­ments have been con­cluded with all ser­vice pro­vi­ders.

We expressly point out that we may be obli­ged to inform accu­sed per­sons about alle­ga­ti­ons or inves­ti­ga­ti­ons. The iden­tity of the whist­le­b­lower will not be dis­c­lo­sed, inso­far as this is legally pos­si­ble. Accu­sed per­sons are not infor­med if this could make it more dif­fi­cult to cla­rify a vio­la­tion.

Per­so­nal data is dele­ted as soon as it is no lon­ger requi­red for the pur­pose of its pro­ces­sing and no legal requi­re­ments rest­rict dele­tion.

Data sub­jects, i.e. whist­le­b­lo­wers in this con­text, have the right to object to the use of their data at any time if we pro­cess it on the basis of a legi­ti­mate inte­rest. In addi­tion, data sub­jects are entit­led to request infor­ma­tion about the data we have stored about them. Cor­rec­tion may be reques­ted in the event of inac­cu­racy. You can also request the dele­tion of the data stored by us, pro­vi­ded that there are no legal pro­vi­si­ons to the con­trary. In cer­tain cases, it is pos­si­ble for us to rest­rict pro­ces­sing on request.

Data sub­jects can cont­act us at any time with ques­ti­ons about data pro­tec­tion, eit­her by e‑mail at info@planer-systemtechnik.com or by post to the address given above. Our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer can be cont­ac­ted using the cont­act details given above.

You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with the super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity. This is the State Com­mis­sio­ner for Data Pro­tec­tion and Free­dom of Infor­ma­tion of Baden-Würt­tem­berg.