
All the best for insu­la­ting, pro­tec­ting and insu­la­ting!

Our ser­vice is only com­plete when all cus­to­mer requi­re­ments have been ful­fil­led to their com­plete satis­fac­tion. As an effi­ci­ent part­ner, we gua­ran­tee you a ser­vice that is uni­que in the indus­try.

Competent and professional advice
Always enough in stock
Nationwide logistics optimally tailored to your needs
A fair price-performance ratio

1st consultation:

There are many pro­ducts available, but which one is right for you and for this par­ti­cu­lar pro­ject? How much of it do you need and which pro­duct is available when you need it?
We have the neces­sary expe­ri­ence to advise you on these and many other issues.

2. assortment:

We have a wide range of dif­fe­rent pro­ducts from a large port­fo­lio of various well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers in stock and can the­r­e­fore always offer the best pro­duct for your buil­ding situa­tion.

3. ability to deliver:

With a total sto­rage capa­city of over 30,000 m², we always have suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties of goods in stock for your pro­ject.

And if you do need a very spe­ci­fic pro­duct, we can pro­cure it for you indi­vi­du­ally.

4. logistics:

Punc­tua­lity is a mat­ter of course for us. But you can only work accu­ra­tely and cost-effec­tively if you have the right insu­la­tion sys­tem at the right time. We gua­ran­tee this with our own fleet of vehic­les, which we use to deli­ver throug­hout Ger­many and Aus­tria.

5. price-performance ratio:

The most cost-effec­tive insu­la­tion sys­tem is the one that is deli­vered on time, is cor­rectly cal­cu­la­ted, pro­vi­des high-qua­lity insu­la­tion in the long term and is sus­tainable. With our com­plete range and our exper­tise, we always have the right solu­tion for your pro­ject in stock.

6. 24/7 pick-up station in 72770 Reutlingen:

You can’t manage to pick up your goods during our ope­ning hours?
At our loca­tion in Reut­lin­gen, we can offer you round-the-clock coll­ec­tion.

Technical advice

Are you the type of person who doesn’t let anything burn?

As a pro­vi­der of inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons in the areas of heat, cold, sound and fire pro­tec­tion and flo­o­ring sys­tems, we will be happy to advise you and sup­port you with our many years of exper­tise.

Our expert team has exten­sive expe­ri­ence. We know, under­stand and take care of your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and find cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons to mas­ter the chal­lenges of your pro­ject.

We offer you help with ten­ders, phy­si­cal cal­cu­la­ti­ons and pre­cise sche­du­ling. Whe­ther you need a test cer­ti­fi­cate quickly or cal­cu­la­ti­ons for heat, cold, noise and fire pro­tec­tion, we can solve almost any pro­blem with access to our infor­ma­tion sys­tems.


The day starts early on the construction sites. But without the right insulation system, you can call it a day again.

Punc­tual and orderly deli­very is the­r­e­fore a mat­ter of course for us. Because only when you have the right insu­la­tion sys­tem at the right time can you work pre­cis­ely and cost-effec­­tively.

Our ser­vice depart­ment, from order pro­ces­sing to logi­stics, ensu­res smooth deli­very – cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion is our top prio­rity.

With our own well-orga­­ni­­zed fleet and our well-trai­­ned employees, we can gua­ran­tee you this.


The cheapest offer is not always the most lucrative for you. We can tell you which insulation system is best for you.

Insu­la­tion sys­tems that end up being too expen­sive are those that you have to wait for or sys­tems that do not meet your tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments. Apart from the price. When things heat up on site, you can rely on Münz­in­ger + Frie­ser as a part­ner who knows a lot about insu­la­tion and also about cost insu­la­tion.

With a full range of bran­ded pro­ducts, we always have the solu­ti­ons that are right for you in stock. And can bring them to you on time from there. Our tech­ni­cal advice meets the hig­hest user requi­re­ments. And from this per­spec­tive, the cost-effec­­tive insu­la­tion of a pro­ject is no lon­ger an art. With us as your com­pe­tent part­ner.

Delivery capability

When it comes to construction projects, the most important thing is to have an efficient and reliable partner.

What good is the best offer if the goods are not in the right place at the right time?

With a total sto­rage capa­city of more than 30,000 m² at our loca­ti­ons in Ger­many and Aus­tria, we always have the requi­red mate­rial for your order in suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties. With the lar­gest range in the indus­try and our own fleet of vehic­les, we can sup­ply you with ever­y­thing you need. We are also happy to take care of appoint­ment ship­ments for you. We deli­ver throug­hout Ger­many and Aus­tria and are also happy to deli­ver directly to the con­s­truc­tion site.

We gua­ran­tee you a ser­vice that is uni­que in the indus­try.

If you would like to find out more about our range of ser­vices now, don’t wait – just give us a call.

24/7 collection

Can’t manage to pick up your order during our opening hours?

Then we can offer you round-the-clock coll­ec­tion from our head office in 72770 Reut­lin­gen.

With our PIN-secu­­red and video-moni­­to­­red coll­ec­tion con­tai­ner, your goods are safely stored until you find the time to coll­ect them.

Just ask when you place your order, our staff will be happy to inform you.