About us

There are insu­la­ting mate­ri­als and there are qua­lity insu­la­ting mate­ri­als and these are our pas­sion!

We are an owner-mana­­ged, medium-sized family busi­ness and have been since 1956. For over 66 years, the name Münz­in­ger has stood for exper­tise and the sale of high-qua­­lity insu­la­tion mate­ri­als from various well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers.

Nationwide insulation professional

Right from the start, our focus has been on service and advice, together with the most important point of delivery capability.

It all star­ted with the cur­rent head office in Reut­lin­gen. Today, we are a hol­ding com­pany with 12 loca­ti­ons in Ger­many and Aus­tria. Every day, more than 90 employees pro­vide our cus­to­mers with expert advice and ful­fill their wis­hes. We do our best every day to improve our­sel­ves and our ser­vice. In doing so, we always act with the aim of offe­ring the best pos­si­ble solu­tion for our cus­to­mers, while also taking sus­taina­bi­lity into account.


66 years


> 30.000 m²

Sto­rage area

> 3.000



9 locations

in Ger­many

3 locations

Adhe­sive in Aus­tria